In the wide teatrography, the four solos: The MonDologue of Harlequin (1991), The Inhabitants of Arlecchinia (1991), Schiele: Behaviour Redrawn (1996) and Harlequin and his Double (2004), Neither maid nor mistress (2015), The Human Comedy of Harlequin (2017), Ancestors of Harlequin (2019), are her most popular performances, who have traveled the world and always remain active in the repertoire of the "stainless" Arlecchino Claudia Contin.

She also manages and cure continuously since 1994 the Shaman Project for her Scuola Sperimentale dell'Attore, dedicated to the Theatre of Differences, an initiative that has gathered, over the years, many productions and a whole series of didactical and documentary publications.

There are many other collective productions of which Claudia Contin Arlecchino is the author, dramaturge and at last director; for example: In Barca con i madrigali del Banchieri (1993), Profano Ordine della Maschera (1997), The Circus of the Zannis (1998), Maschere in Bianco (2002), The Comedy by Boat (2017).

From 1994 to 2009 she also directed and curated the Shaman Project dedicated to the Theatre of Differences, an initiative that has seen the accumulation over the years of many productions and a whole series of educational and documentary books.
In 2012 she is also co-author and inspirer of the show Captain Don Calzerotte and Arlecchin Senza Panza (which has also become a book), a story that "rewrites" disability in a universal sense.