Since 1989 Claudia Contin Arlecchino has had frequent contacts and exchanges with the major national and international protagonists of the Theatrical Anthropology research.
Since that year, her company Attori & Cantori is also in close collaboration with the Teatro Tascabile of Bergamo with whom, in addition to the co-production of some of her performances, she shared the organization of her several study trips to East and the hospitality in Italy of the great masters of Indian Dance, Peking Opera and Balinese Theatre. In 1994 she came into contact with the Odin Teatret by participating as Arlecchino at the "Masques et Buffons" event of Bergamo introduced by Eugenio Barba.
She then published the essay Chasing Arlecchino for the magazine The Open Page by the Odin Teatret, and later has been hosted in 2004 in Denmark with her didactics for the Commedia dell'Arte and her solo Harlequin and his Double within the Magdalena Project directed by Julia Varley, collaboration continued in Brazil in 2010 at the meeting
Vertice Brazil and nowadays in the network with the
Magdalena projects. From 1999 to 2008 numerous tours, workshops and productions in Beijing, China. From 2010 to 2012 the tours of her shows and workshops for Comedy and Tragedy of Art reached Eastern Siberia, where she conducted studies on the origin of Siberian shamanism around the area of Lake Baykal and designed and directed the production of sets, interethnic masks and costumes for The Deer King by Carlo Gozzi at the Vampilov Theatre in Irkutsk. From 2012 to 2018 Claudia Contin Arlecchino's tours grew between Moscow and St. Petersburg.